Green synthesis and characterisation of NAT loaded zinc oxide nanoparticles


  • D.Anitha JRF, University college of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy. Department of Pharmacology, Swamy Vivekanadha College of Pharmacy, Thiruchengodu. Holy mary college of Pharmacy, Bogaram, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad.
  • Dr.P.Manimekalai JRF, University college of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy. Department of Pharmacology, Swamy Vivekanadha College of Pharmacy, Thiruchengodu. Holy mary college of Pharmacy, Bogaram, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad.
  • Dr.N.Sriram JRF, University college of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy. Department of Pharmacology, Swamy Vivekanadha College of Pharmacy, Thiruchengodu. Holy mary college of Pharmacy, Bogaram, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad.


The present study states a green approach for the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles employing methanolic leaves

extract of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. Leaves extract was used as the biological reduction agent for synthesizing zinc

oxide nanoparticles from zinc acetate dihydrate. Metal oxides such as ZnO have received increasing attention in

recent years because of their stability under harsh processing conditions, and also because they are generally

regarded as safe materials for human beings and animals. Use of plant and plant materials for the synthesis of Zinc

nanoparticles is relatively new and exciting research field. Various plants were used for the synthesis of

nanoparticles using green synthesis method. Green method of synthesis of nanoparticles is easy, efficient, and eco

friendly in comparison to chemical-mediated or microbe-mediated synthesis. Since, green synthesis is the best

option for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The prepared nanoparticles of Zinc oxide were characterized by using

XRD, FTIR, UV-VIS Spectroscopy, TEM and SEM. The objective of this review was to report on the synthesis of

Zinc oxide nanoparticles by using different plant extracts and their significance in different fields.




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