Glucogold: supports the maintenance of lean muscle mass and the immune system
Lean muscle mass Immune system Intense training.Abstract
Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in human muscle and plasma. Inadult humans, following an
overnight fast, the normal plasma glutamine concentration is 550–750 mmol/L and the skeletal muscle
glutamine concentration is 20 mmol/kg wet weight. Skeletal muscle is the major tissue involved in glutamine
synthesis and is known to release glutamine into the circulation at 50 mmol/h in the fed state. Its alleged effects
can be classified as anabolic and immunostimulatory. Glutamine is utilized at high rates by leukocytes
(particularly lymphocytes) to provide energy and optimal conditions for nucleotide biosynthesis and hence, cell
proliferation Athletes can have high intakes of L-glutamine because of their high energy and protein intakes and
also because they consume protein supplements, protein hydrolysates, and free amino acids. Prolonged exercise
and periods of heavy training are associated with a decrease in the plasma glutamine concentration and this has
been suggested to be a potential cause of the exercise-induced immune impairment and increased susceptibility
to infection in athletes.
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