AMINOPOWER POWDER : Loaded with power of essential Aminoacids for Muscle repair & strength& to boost recovery after musculoskeletal injury or surgery or trauma


  • Govind Shukla Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076
  • C. Subrahmanyam Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076
  • V. Preethi Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076.
  • V. Chaitanya kumar Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076.
  • Mantipally Yamuna Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076
  • C.J Sampath Kumar Lactonova Nutrition Research centre Hyderabad A Unit of Lactonova Nutripharm (P) Ltd, 81/3, IDA Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500 076.


AMINOPOWER, Essential Aminoacids,Stimulate Protien synthesis,Muscle repair & strength.


The term “branched chain” refers to the molecular structure of three particular amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine – and

plays an important role in protein synthesis. Muscles have a particularly high content of BCAAs, making up approximately one third

of skeletal muscle in the human body.

BCAA’s are currently used clinically to boost recovery after musculoskeletal injury or surgery. Scientists have known that individuals

suffering from physical trauma need to rapidly manufacture new body tissues while making sure that any cells not affected by the

injury remain healthy and viable. To quickly create new tissues, the body uses amino acids to assemble mint-condition proteins that

will be the foundation for new muscles, tendons and ligaments. Clinical studies have shown that branched-chain amino acids have a

special capacity to boost protein synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown that none of the other amino acids have, A protein containing

essential amino acids is known as a “complete protein”. If one or more of those amino acids are missing, it is known as an “incomplete

protein”. Aminopower powder containing essential amino acids thusit is known as a “complete protein supplement’’This review

summarises the current available scientific literature regarding the effect of AMINOPOWER POWDER,Loaded with power of

essential Aminoacids to Stimulate Protien synthesis & for Muscle repair & strength.




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