Design and characterization of pioglitazone hydrochloride mucoadhesive microspheres


  • Bhargavi .M GBN College of Pharmacy, Near Uppal, Korremula Village, Ghatkesar. Affiliated by Jntuh.
  • Sravanthi Todasam GBN College of Pharmacy, Near Uppal, Korremula Village, Ghatkesar. Affiliated by JNTUH. Hyderabad.


Mucoadhesive microspheres, Pioglitazone, Ionic gelation method.


A Mucoadhesive microsphere of pioglitazone was prepared by orifice ionic gelation method. In this method

drug and polymer are added to aqueous solution of sodium alginate. Then sodium alginate solution is added

drop wise into sufficient quantity of calcium chloride solution. The standard plot of pioglitazone hydrochloride

was prepared in solvent. The standard graph showed good linearity with R2 value 0.9964. Dried mucoadhesive

microspheres with different % of mucoadhesive agent with 3% and 4% sodium alginate are evaluated for

characterization like swelling index, particle size analysis, In vitro wash off test. The formulation KF8 was

found to be stable after exposure to accelerated temperature and humidity conditions for a period of 3 months.


