Formulation, Development, And Evaluation Of Paracetamol Ibuprofen Oral Medicated Jelly


  • M.Venu Associate Professor, Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.
  • K. Balamurugan Associate professor, department of pharmacy, FEAT, Annamalai university, Annamalai Nagra, Tamilnadu.
  • A. Kumar Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.
  • A. Hindu Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.
  • K. Venaka Mani Kavya Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.
  • M. Lavanya Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.
  • S. Ravi Prasadu Depratment Of Pharmaceutics, Lydia College Of Pharmacy, Ethakota, Ravulapalem, East Godavari District.


Medicated Jelly, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen


The objectives of the present investigation were to formulate and evaluate of Medicated oral jelly containing Paracetamol and Ibuprofen for the treatment of mild to moderate pain. Ibuprofen + Paracetamol is used for pain relief and fever. It relieves pain in condition like headache, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, period pain osteoarthritis or painful menses. Jellies are prepared by heating and congealing methods by dispersing gelling agents in water and evaluated for their physicochemical parameters like appearance, stickiness, pH, viscosity, Spreadability, stability studies, drug release, and content uniformity. All batches (F1-F2) of medicated jelly showed acceptable and comparable appearance, pH, viscosity, Spreadability, stability studies, drug release, and content uniformity. The viscosity range was found to be 53305 to 61731cps. The drug content of Paracetamol of F1 & F2 96.06% and 98.15% and drug content of Ibuprofen of F1 & F2 was found 96.1% and 95.7%.


