Effect of an Effervescent Agent on Various Characteristics of Repaglinide Floating Tablets


  • Venkata Rajkumar Janagam Department of Pharmaceutics, Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gunthapalli, Abdullapurmet, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
  • Shobha Rani Satla Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences, University College of Engineering, Science and Technology, JNTU-Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


Repaglinide, floating tablets, Methocel, sodium carbonate


Formulation of repaglinide floating tablets is the purpose of the work that is being done at the moment. Over the course of the experiment, varying doses of sodium bicarbonate, which is a gas-generating agent, were combined with varying amounts of retardation polymers. There were several grades of Methocel polymers that were utilised as retarding polymers. These grades included Methocel K4M, K15M, and K100M. After conducting an analysis of the formulation blend for a number of different physicochemical properties, it was discovered that all of the parameters were within acceptable ranges. Several different quality control criteria were tested after the formulations F1 through F9 were developed and evaluated. Every single formulation was successful in passing the tests, and the outcomes were within acceptable parameters. Based on the dissolution data, it was clear that formulation F8 was the most effective, with a maximum percentage of drug release of 98.73% and a floating time of 12 hours.


